Meet the owner

” My name is Ed Wood (Yes, it really is my name). I'm now retired and enjoying the opportunity to direct my creative energy into my longtime enjoyment of woodworking. Living in central North Carolina, there are great natural resources to utilize and protect, and so many sources of inspiration. I want to share the some of the items I build with others, and look forward to exchanging ideas and tricks with others who think the same. Please look around, and if you find something especially appealling, let me know . Thanks for visiting!"


Some of my earliest pleasant childhood memories are spending time deep in the North Carolina Mountains at my grandparents farm. i would go with my grandfather to his workshop at the top of the hill, and try to find a way to help with whatever project he was working on at the time. I usually was too small to help, so I would find a piece of wood and hammer a nail, or thread a screw and let my imagination take over. But you easily recognize your isolation when you look around and can't see neighbors, have to walk 1/4 mile to get the mail, and grow, produce, can, and freeze almost all your food to make it through each winter. It's an unforgiving harsh environment and it required a special mindset. What I observed led me to the concept of "Rugged Simplicity and Utility" as a theme I try to keep in mind when working on ideas or projects. So the items I build are built to last and fulfill their intended use, and often can be used for other unrelated purposes. Utility tends to be a little subjective when determining the suitability of something for a particular use, but I hope you'll recognize the concept of "rugged simplicity and utility in my work.

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